
Here are some of my Interests!


Chess, Poker, and other Strategy Games

Chess, Poker, and other Strategy Games

I also love putting my brain to work. In my free time I play chess, poker, strategy games and videogames. I've always enjoyed strategy games ever since I was a little kid. Whenever I lost, I was very hard on myself. As I matured, I tried to figure out why I lost and how I can play smarter in the future. Playing games like this challenge my brain and let me reflect on my play in order to find a better strategy.

Strategy Picture

Ultimate Frisbee

Ultimate Frisbee

I started playing Ultimate Frisbee in Middle School and have been playing ever since. I love this sport for two main reasons: First, there are no officials, referees or umpires. The players on the field have to call all the fouls. This may seem to create lots of arguments, but actually it makes the players more sportsmanlike with each other. The Second aspect I love about Ultimate is being a part of an awesome team community. There is nothing better than playing Ultimate on a cold, rainy day, working hard alongside your teammates.

Ultimate Group Picture